
Philips Hue digital media event 2021

In this event the new Philips Hue launches for the second part of 2021 were presented to the global press via a full virtual studio production. The studio was transformed in a Philips Hue premium brand experience design with virtual screens and moving lights effects. Press was the first to discover the newest products and software innovations and got the exclusive opportunity to ask questions directly to business experts in a Q&A session with many questions raised by the journalists.  The event was hosted by a Dutch tech journalist and presenter.

The challenges: with only 2 months to go the BU Division leader decided that we had to change the event design and approach to make it a more premium brand experience including the demand to have a professional well known presenter. As a result we changed supplier, studio location and hired a tech host to make the announcements and to interact with our leaders and adapted the script. On top all was prepared during the summer holidays which gave it an additional challenge to get ready in time