
Signify VAP Partner Summit 2018

In September 2018, we hosted the annual partner summit in the Johan Cruyff arena in Amsterdam for the global network of Value Added Partners (over 400 partners) from all over the world. The purpose of this summit is to give more information about the Signify Partner Program, to exchange with peers via networking and to deliver insights in new trends and show latest innovations via a market place with small stands.

It is a 2-days program with a plenary speaker session, various workshops in carousel format, CEO business meetings and an open market place where partners can meet up with Signify experts to discuss and get demonstrations of latest product and system innovations of various Business Units in Professional Lighting. The high light of the program is the partner award celebration night with dinner and music in a special environment. This time it was in the Scheepvaart museum.     

The challenge: main challenge was the logistical process to get the group of partners in time to all different locations for the programs, while partners were staying in 3 different hotels in the center of the city and keep everyone engaged in the program in a vibrant city that calls for attention during the day and night