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Tradeshow Boost
From € 2,850

Maximize your results as exhibitor

As exhibitor in a trade show you aim to achieve results by engaging with visitors in an ultimate booth experience. You want to get new leads, cross-sell and upsell with customers, build customer loyalty, boost your sales pipeline or network. However it is not so easy to show the results. In fact, the inability to demonstrate ROI to senior leadership was termed the biggest challenge in the recently published report Exhibit Leader Insights Report 2023.

Tradeshow Boost

Tradeshow Boost helps you to excel in exhibitions and overcome this challenge. Tradeshow Boost is a 3 days tailored support program for B2B companies to achieve maximum results with their trade shows, improve their efficiency in planning and gain better insights in their performance and ROI. Including all the steps and activities you need to take to realize a successful exhibition. Tradeshow Boost will give you the answer that your CEO always asks after an exhibition.

How much did the show generate?

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You participate in an exhibition. You prepared well and everything is arranged. During the show, your sales team has good conversations with visitors. Everyone is excited. After the exhibition, the leads are also followed up. You know new business will follow, but you don’t know how much and when. It seems that you can get much more results from the exhibition, but you don’t know how to do this or how to show it.

This usually has to do with the lack of a strategic exhibition marketing approach. The reason for going to a trade fair is not clear enough and you find it difficult to define the desired result. What I still hear is that companies go to an exhibition, because their competitors are also there or because they would otherwise be missed. Of course this is true, but is that the only reason?


If you exhibit, it remains difficult to make results visible. You invest a lot of money. After a trade show everyone goes home satisfied and returns to normal life. And that’s it. Until the next edition of the exhibition knocks on the door…

It is essential that all the small puzzle pieces in the process fit together for the desired result. Organizing a trade show is a complex specialist project with many details, activities and deadlines. For this you need to free up capacity and have the right knowledge and experience.

How does Tradeshow Boost works?

With Tradeshow Boost we go through all the ins and outs of your preparation in 3 days. You will discover where you can optimize in your own project to arrange a successful exhibition based on your business strategy with clear objectives. We also zoom in on your communication activities,  messages and follow-up strategy to achieve those desired results. Every situation is different and therefore we focus on your own project. With Tradeshow Boost you receive a pragmatic advice and approach to achieve maximum results as exhibitor. You can make a difference right away.

Why invest?
  • You get an answer what value the trade show generated.
  • You have clear goals why you exhibit at a trade show.
  • You have clear insights in the results of your exhibition.
  • You can demonstrate the added value of your exhibition.
  • You organize more effectively which leads to a better result, lower costs and more overview.
  • You use the trade show as strategic tool for business growth.
  • You achieve more impact and experience with your visitors.

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What do you get?
  • Intake interview on location or remote to determine your current situation and experiences
  • Performance scan of the current approach, planning and process (1 day)
  • Conclusions and recommendations, including a first set up of your gameplan (2 days)
  • Use of the training Successful exhibition marketing
  • Use of Discover Projects event playbook with tools and templates for effective project management
  • A sparring partner with 25 years experience and track record in exhibitions, including after care (2 hours)
  • Clear direction for your exhibitions in the coming years

After these 3 days you have a clear advise and plan of change to successfully organize your trade show. Ready to realize the planned results.


Service for stand construction companies and exhibition organizers

Tradeshow Boost is also very suitable for a stand construction company or an exhibition organization, that wants to offer a distinctive or full service to existing customers or when pitching for new customers. The exhibition industry is very competitive and creating additional unique value to your clients is extremely important. By helping your clients with strategic exhibition marketing, preparation and achieving maximum visible results, you ensure that your client is satisfied and successful. With Tradeshow Boost you strengthen the relationship for the longer term and ensure customer loyalty.

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