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Event Strategy

Discover Projects advises and guides organizations in developing and implementing an event strategy, including its translation into impactful events, trade shows and sponsorship. An event strategy plays a crucial role in bridging a company’s strategy into an effective event policy. That directly contributes to your strategic business goals and ambitions. Events, trade shows and sponsorship are the most important contact moments for an organization with their target audiences. However, it’s essential to demonstrate the role and value of events to your organization. Make it visible and measurable. This is not just a theoretical approach. It is a practice-proven method to map out the real impact of all your events and tailor your event policy to measurable results.

How can you tell that an event strategy is the right solution for your company?
Do the free event strategy check and schedule a 30-minutes online call with us.

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What is an event strategy?

An event strategy is the foundation of all your events. And crucial to decide how your events contribute to your business and social goals. This way you can get the most out of your events and measure success more easily.

With an event strategy you have a strategic framework to decide the direction and choices on which events you want to organize or attend. Both internal and external events. Live, online or hybrid. This strategy is the translation of your company and marketing strategy to the individual events. A strategy ensures that your events, exhibitions and sponsoring contribute to a sustainable business growth. Avoid ad-hoc one-off events, but plan it as part of your annual marketing plan.

In addition, an event strategy allows you to better estimate your time, resources and budget needs and better plan and prepare. Done well, it should make the planning and execution of your events easier. This gives you more control over the outcomes and costs. It has been proven that and event strategy results in 20-40% more efficiency and you save 10-15% on total event costs. 

What does an event strategy deliver?
  • You have a strategic vision and policy for events that align with your company’s strategic goals and social ambitions.
  • Your events are measurable with predefined objectives and metrics (event ROI).
  • You understand the role and value of events for your organization.
  • You have more control over all events and costs through a uniform way of working.
  • A centralized uniform approach results in synergy advantages and better supplier terms.
  • You ensure brand consistency across all events.
  • You can say no to ad-hoc event requests that are not business critical.
  • You have insights which events are successful, allowing you to steer accordingly.
  • You have an annual event calendar based on the right choices and priorities for your company.
  • You move from executing events to a strategic and tactical event professional.

Did you know that 70% of all companies don’t have an event strategy in place? This means that most companies spend money and time on events, trade shows and sponsorship without having clear insight in the results. That is too bad, as an event is the only and most valuable marketing channel for every company to have direct contact with its target audiences. An indispensable part of your marketing mix for business growth.

Event strategy: results become transparent

Events go beyond fun and friendly gatherings with your customers, staff and other relations. You want an event that gets results, right? The value of an event is often not known and difficult to show. As a result, events are mainly seen as a cost item and you often have internal discussion about the relevance of events. It’s not a secret that events are expensive. Companies are more likely to cut their event budget or even stop with events, due pressed marketing budgets, higher costs and an uncertain economic situation. A decision without rational facts. With an event strategy you have guidance, overview and you can steer the end result with data. 

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